Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Minnesota Fall

The bean & corn harvest did not go well. It was a late harvest. Both crops were wet and consequently price got docked. The harvest lasted 3 1/2 weeks, but I only lasted 2 weeks. We worked nearly 14 hours a day, 7 days a week. And that was just to difficult for me. Eventually, I told Jim I had to stop or I'd have had an accident. I was losing my ability to focus on the work. And when you're driving 50 tons down the road, one must focus. So after 2 weeks of work, I came home & Jim got other help and got done a week and a half later.

November was a very bad month, weatherwise. About the 10th, the temperature dropped below freezing for most of the remainder of the month. Then about the 15th it started snowing and kept it up every day or two through Thanksgiving. But on Black Friday at 3 AM, Jim & Diane & I left Minnesota with the temp at just 13 degrees.

Highway 16 & I-90 were both snow packed. But by the time we got to Mason City they were dry. Then by the time we got to Kansas City, the temp was above freezing. By the time we got to Pharr, it was 80. We drove about 850 miles on Friday to Gainesville, TX and about 550 on Saturday getting to our new home at about 3:30. All in all, the trip went quite smoothly.

Until yesterday, the temp here had been 80 each day. But yesterday we had a cold snap with the high only 51. Today is warmer and by Friday, it's suppose to be 80 again.

Here in Pharr, Jim & Diane & others have been going to Polka Jams in the area. And y'all know how much I like old time music. So now I have time to work on this blog.

Everything here is just fine. While I write this, my computer is organizing my pictures which I'll include a bit later.

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