Friday, January 2, 2015
- Overnight low was 47 from yesterday's high of 46. Today's high to be 54, nearly 10 degrees higher than yesterday.
- Daybreak temp: 45 (feels cool), light mist, light breeze.
- Loafed the morning away.
- After lunch, Diane is taking Jim for his first physical therapy (PT) session, while I meet the deliverers of the new couch & show them where to put it.
- Jim's PT meeting went well. He starts the actual PT next Monday, then Wednesday, & Friday.
- Couch delivery was uneventful. Diane's seems pleased with it. It's a queen sized hide-a-bed.
- Jim & Diane are going to Pharr South to play Bingo this evening. Guess I won't go.
- Kathy sent me a link to the Citrus Bowl video of the University of Minnesota Marching Band. Thanks, Kath, the videos are great.
- I'll include the links below:
- Kath, can you add a comment on where Connor is in this picture, and where you, Cam, & Kyla were sitting in the picture. Thanks.
I have no idea where Connor is. Our vantage point is about from where picture was taken. 50 yard line, lower level.