Thursday, January 1, 2015

Thursday, January 1, 2015

  • Another blustery, cold morning, but at least it's not pouring down rain. Oh well, it will warm up. . . but when?
  • And I lived up to my goal of falling asleep before midnight. Can't remember the last time I saw midnight.
  • Kathy & family are in the air, in route to Orlando, Florida, to attend the festivities at the Citrus Bowl where the University of Minnesota is playing football, at noon on ABC. Have a great day, Kathy, Kyla, & Cam.
  • Jim & I helped to clean up the remains of last night's party in the Hall.
  • Came home to watch the Rose Parade on TV. Have been there live on 2 different occasions. Most exciting parade ever!
  • Citrus Bowl started with 3 turnovers, now Minnesota has settled down & is looking good.
  • Ugh. Mizzou just took the lead.
  • It's time to take the lead back, guys.
  • Which they did, but just couldn't keep it together and ended up losing. Bummer. :-(
  • Should would have been better if the scores were reversed.
  • Diane made a delicious crackpot of Chili & had Dan, Candy & Jason over. I'm not a Chili fan, but this was very good.
  • Below is a picture taken by Dawn of Theresa's brother, Joe & his wife, Linda, with Dan & I. We visited them last Friday on our way home from South Padre Island. See Friday's post in this blog.
  • And below is another picture of interest. Who knows where this is taken?


  1. The pic is at your last home in Plymouth. My girls and I were at the Rose Bowl parade with you on Jan 1, 1978! It was beautiful!

  2. The picture is your place at Ridgepointe. Why is it "of interest?" Are you starting to play games on your blog now? ;)

    I remember that parade, Maggie! You "had" to sleep outside on the street to make it an "official" experience.

  3. And to keep our ringside seats!
