Monday, January 19, 2015

Monday, January 19, 2015

  • Another pleasant morning, calm, high clouds, temp: 55, high: 72.
  • Had regular Monday breakfast with Canadian friends at Taco Fiesta. Had 11 this morning.
  • Dan & Dawn made it to Reno this morning. I tracked them all the way through the mountains. Amtrak was on schedule. Hope they send me more pictures today.
  • J&D and C&D drove up to Bertha's Salon to get their haircuts. I stayed home to research a project since I had one recently.
  • Biked over to Dollar General to get something, stopping at Burger King on my way home for lunch
  • I drove Jim to PT at 3 PM
  • Got my 2 mile bike ride in at 4:30 on a lovely evening: clear, calm, bright sun, temp: 68. Perfecto!
  • Here's some pictures from Dan sent from Reno. Thanks for the pictures, Dan & Dawn. Say hello from us to Mike & Mary.
Don't know who this belongs to nor the significance

Mike & Mary in the woods (probably near their Lake Tahoe home)

Mary & Mike (clowning)

Beautiful mountain peak


  1. The license plate was a joke. You asked for pictures, so I gave yo a picture right away. 8-) -- Dan Meyer

  2. It's Mary and Dawn in one of the photos. I'm taking a photo of Dan photographing us.
