Monday, January 12, 2015

Monday, January 12, 2015

  • Calm, cool, clear, moonlit morning, temp: 43, high: 63. Nice.
  • Went to Coco's for breakfast with our Canadian friends.
  • Beautiful day, clear, calm, but rain tomorrow.
  • Had lunch on the veranda in the shade from the very warm sun.
  • After lunch, with the temp at 66, a beautiful clear blue sky, a light breeze, & bright warm sun, I biked nearly 3 miles traversing every road in the park.
  • Diane drove Jim up to McAllen for his PT appointment at 3:00 PM.
  • After supper, J&D rode with D&C over to Paradise Park in McAllen to play Bingo. I stayed home to watch the Finals of the College football playoffs.
  • Cooled off very quickly after supper. At 8 o'clock, the temp is already down to 55. Guess we're now due for several days of light rain & coolness.
The picture today is of the Sweet Adelines chorus that we saw in concert yesterday. We enjoyed their performance. The second picture is our clear blue sunrise today.

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